Don’t Focus On Now, Focus On Five Years From Now
October 20, 2015 6:12 pm Comments Off on Don’t Focus On Now, Focus On Five Years From NowDC Divorce Attorney Brian Pearlstein finds that “clients often get caught up in the here and now and they forget about the future.” He says “wise lawyers will steer their clients away from today and prepare them for five years down the road.” Every divorcing person should ask him or herself “What do I need to be successful in my newly single life?” Without clarity around future goals, divorcing people often can’t analyze what is the best course of action. For instance, before you fight to keep your house you should know if you can really afford the upkeep and mortgage payments. Then you will know if it’s better to keep it or to cut a deal that gives you a certain amount of time in the house as well as a cut-off date for when you will leave and take your equity with you.
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