Divorce Care Package
October 14, 2013 4:08 pm Comments Off on Divorce Care PackageThe Huffington Post has just launched its Divorce Care Package series. They are creating a list of things – books, movies, recipes, etc. – that help relieve the stress in the midst of divorce. Yes, sometimes, it is the little things that make the most impact. But, there are two big things that can make a big difference. In any crisis (and divorce is crisis, even if you are the one who wants it) continuing (or consistency) regarding relationships and the physical environment can make a huge difference. If you can keep your relationships and your physical environment consistent you will have less stress and less need for the stress reducers. Anyway, you can take a look at what they have so far at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/13/divorce-care-package-_n_4040331.html?utm_hp_ref=divorce&ir=Divorce. What would you add?
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