Our unique divorce mediation process provides a forum for communication and problem solving. Typically, the process includes two to four face-to-face meetings, which may be combined with individual telephone or email consultation. Depending on the issues and the personalities involved, the process will take between two and ten hours.
Mediation becomes a time for negotiation and opening up the channels of communication. During mediation the mediator will gather information about your children, your finances, and how you want to handle things in the future. The mediator will help you find trade-offs and create agreement. Following your mediation session you will receive a draft of your customized Marital Settlement Agreement. This agreement will cover future parenting plans and how finances (and child support) will be handled during and after the divorce. Later you will go back to your mediator to read and sign your Marital Settlement Agreement. Finally, your mediator will fill-in the state approved forms necessary for filing an uncontested divorce.
If you need a QDRO (to divide a pension), a deed, or a revision to your estate plan we can refer you to other legal resources. Ultimately, your agreement and forms will be filed with the Clerk of the Court and your case will be set for a final hearing as an uncontested dissolution of marriage.
Beyond Divorce: Paternity and Modifications. Besides divorce, your Mediator can help you with some additional issues. If you and your co-parent were never married a mediator can still help you reach agreement regarding time sharing with your children, child support, and other expenses. Additionally, if you and a former spouse want to modify an existing parenting plan or child support arrangement, talk to one of our mediators about how we can help you.